- Organisation and operations of the VS
- Organisation charts of the VS at central and regional/local levels – should include all relevant sectors and institutions (departments, laboratories, border inspection posts, veterinary schools, etc.)
1-Headship, law related affair and performance evaluation office
A-Planning and harmonizing the affairs and schedules of head of Iran Veterinary Organization
B-Streamlining the relations with other governmental bodies and organizations including the provincial General Directorates
C-Pursuing the adoption of required laws and regulations
D-Supervising on headquarter offices and provincial general directorates and evaluating performances thereof
E-Inspecting the headquarter offices and provincial general directorates
F-Receiving complaints from clienteles and scrutinizing and pursuing them.
G-litigating against the violators of Veterinary Act and rules and regulations thereof and defending against claims in courts of law.
2-Specialized organizations, public relation and international affairs office
A-Planning and policy making for international cooperation and working with regional and specialized organizations in the field of animal health.
B-Collecting and exchanging technical information from international and regional and specialized organizations
C-Planning for holding international meetings or training course if required
D-Performing the formalities for foreign guests
F-Drawing up and pursuing Agreements, protocols and MOUs with veterinary services of other countries and with international bodies
G-Information dissemination about the Iran Veterinary Organizations operations and connecting with medias
H-Engaging in holding the domestic meetings and occasions
3-Livestock health and management of livestock diseases office
A-Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for studying, combating and establishing surveillance of livestock diseases with priority for notifiable livestock diseases and monitoring thereof.
B-Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for examining, combating and establishing surveillance of zoonotics and monitoring thereof.
C-Supervising and evaluating Veterinary General Directorates operations in the field of livestock health and controlling and eradication measures including collecting and analyzing the animal health data and feed backing the analysis to the related veterinary general directorate.
D-Anticipating the required equipments, facilities, man power, vaccines,.. required for control of livestock diseases.
4-Poultry, honey bee and silk worm health and office
A-Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for studying, combating and establishing surveillance of Poultry, honey bee and silk worm diseases with priority for notifiable livestock diseases and monitoring thereof.
B-Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for wild and back yard birds.
C-Supervising and evaluating Veterinary General Directorates operations in the field of Poultry, honey bee and silk worm health and controlling and eradication measures including collecting and analyzing the animal health data and feed backing the analysis to the related veterinary general directorate.
D-Anticipating the required equipments, facilities, man power, vaccines,.. required for control of Poultry, honey bee and silk worm diseases.
5-Aquatics health and diseases office
A-Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for studying, combating and establishing surveillance of aquatics diseases with priority for notifiable aquatics diseases and monitoring thereof.
B-Supervising and evaluating Veterinary General Directorates operations in the field of aquatics health and controlling and eradication measures including collecting and analyzing the animal health data and feed backing the analysis to the related veterinary general directorate.
C-Anticipating the required equipments, facilities, man power, vaccines,.. required for control of aquatics diseases.
6-Public health and Foodoffice
A-Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for controlling residues ( drug, hormones, fungal metabolites, radionuclide, dioxins, pesticides, heavy metals and other chemicals) for animal derived products.
B- Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up biosecurity standards and requirements in pastures, animal premises, animal feed production establishments, animal products processing plants and slaughterhouses.
C- Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for animal population identification system.
7-Quarantine and biosecurity office
A- Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up quarantine standards and requirements for importing, exporting and transporting animal and animal derived products.
B- Studying, planning, policy making and operating Quarantine Integral Electronic system monitoring animal and animal derived products transportation.
C-Operating and supervision on quarantine Border inspection posts and domestic quarantine stations.
8-Veterinary drugs office
A- Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up quarantine standards and requirements for importing, exporting, storage, transporting, distributing, selling, registration of veterinary drugs and biological.
B- Studying, planning, policy making and drawing up strategic programs for importing, exporting, storage, transporting, distributing, selling, registration of veterinary drugs and biological.
C-Supervision on veterinary drugs and biological production establishments
9-Central Veterinary Laboratory and applied studies
A-Reference Laboratory for animal diseases and veterinary drugs and biological and supervising other veterinary laboratories.
B-Participating in comparison tests with other reference laboratory
C-Preparation of bank of positive samples and domestic standards of the country.
D-Harmonizing and updating diagnostic procedures and drawing up SOP and validation and verification thereof.
10-Feed, Veterinary drugs and biological risk analysis and studies.
A-Studying the documents and commenting on the quality, quantity, efficacy and safety of importing and exporting Feed, Veterinary drugs and biological.
B-Preparing directives and protocols on the quality, quantity, efficacy and safety of importing and exporting Feed, Veterinary drugs and biological.
11-Financial affairs and accounting office
A-Studying required budget.
B-Policy making, planning, supervising and pursuing principal financial system using the latest technologies.
C-Preparing expenses related documents and list of wages and insurances for the employees.
D-Preparing tax related forms.
12-Adminstrative, logistic and welfare affairs Office
A-Studying required manpower and trying to employ the necessary man power.
B-Issuing of action order, retirement, severance, suspension, expulsion, resigning… for the employees
C-Preparing and storing the personnel related information
13-Budget, Planning and economical studies
A-Studying long, medium and short term plans.
B-Studying and evaluating already conducted plans and programs and compliance thereof with IVO policies and standards.
C-Studying and examining facilities and resources considering the priorities and preparing the detailed budget allocation plans.
D-Determining the economical value and the added value of the in the field of animal health and increasing productivity.
14-Information technology, communications and administrative advances
A-Studying and planning for equipping, support and using optimally from available hardware and software, organizing and updating office automation and other systems and integrating thereof and maintaining Internet position and website.
B-Planning for increasing specialized skill in employees for exploiting the electronic devices and system.
C-Planning for paperless systems in organization and managerial dashboard for managers.
Provincial Veterinary Directorate General Duties (According to the latest changes)
- Management of Animal Diseases Surveillance System such as national webs on the surveillance of terrestrial and aquatic animal diseases and zoonoses,
- Planning, supervision and coordination with related units in affiliated cities in order to recognize the animal diseases foci and recognition of effective factors on their occurrence and spread,
- Planning, supervision and action for security of animal health through control, prevention, and eradication of animal contagious and quarantine diseases,
- Carrying out and coordination for campaigning against zoonoses, with coordination of other competent authorities,
- Planning, supervision and surveillance, preventive and control actions on contagious and quarantine diseases in wild life and free fly birds with coordination of competent authorities,
- Planning, supervision and executive surveillance, campaigning and therapeutic actions on the diseases of pet animals and execution of health requirements,
- Planning, supervision and executive control, preventive, diagnosis actions and treatment of non-contagious diseases,
- Planning and supervision on multiplication and rearing of laboratory animals,
- Planning and supervision on the process of animal identification and identity determining and issuing the health identification card of epidemiologic units,
- Planning, supervision and execution of health, quarantine and biosecurity requirements on importation, exportation and transit of animal and raw animal products and issuing of related health licenses,
- Planning, inspection, supervision on the process of import, export, production, processing, maintenance, distribution and consumption of animal genetic resources and different types of germs and genetically modified organisms and evaluation and management of their risks,
- Planning, inspection, supervision, quality control and health of animal products from production till offer,
- Planning, inspection, supervision, quality control and health of raw materials for feed and prepared feed,
- Planning, supervision and execution of health, quarantine and biosecurity requirements where animals live and in pastures and the centres for animal rearing and maintenance,
- Study and planning for prevention and also to manage the crisis and rapid reaction in order to resist the accidents and threatening factors of animal and animal products health
- Planning for development and strengthening of sanitary and therapeutic units in veterinary private sector and supervising on them,
- Quantitative and qualitative establishing and development of diagnostic and quality control laboratories,
- Planning and supervising on development and strength of complementary veterinary
- Planning and supervising on establishment of a system for control of hazardous residues in animal products,
- Management, inspection and supervising on the process of production, processing, importation, exportation, storage, distribution and consumption of different medicines and vaccines, serum, disinfectants, poisons, biologicals, edible complements and additives and their raw materials, laboratory instruments and consumed materials and other cases used in veterinary.
- Planning and coordination in order to extension and transfer of last veterinary health, quarantine and biosecurity data to related users through training and extension,
- Planning, pursuance, and coordination for training and information transmission on the health of animal and animal products,
- Planning and coordination in order to augment the level of veterinary knowledge, technology, and skills, through establishment of continuous and effective connection with research centres and institutes and participation with research and educational in order to execute applied research project,
- Planning and supervising on execution of educational meantime service of employees,
- Planning and supervision on development and training of private sector in the field of veterinary and issuance of required licenses and supervising on their performances with the cooperation of related authorities,
- Planning and religious supervision on slaughter and hunting,
- Planning and supervising on execution of requirements for security of animals welfare and rights,Planning and supervising on execution of requirements related on veterinary
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